MilliporeSigma Emerging Biotech Responsive Microsite
As MilliporeSigma was adopting a bold and colorful new brand identity, the Emerging Biotech division of the company requested a showcase microsite. This project required me to wear a number of hats: design, animation, coding, presentation, and project management.

The Emerging Biotech team asked for a "startup feel" for the website, something outside of the visual framework established for They also requested that the site be responsive to better serve their mobile customers.

My job was to create a totally new look for Emerging Biotech, while still incorporating the new brand elements and colors of the just-released MilliporeSigma brand. On top of that, I had to somehow make the Bootstrap responsive framework functional within a dated CMS that was not built with the flexibility to be responsive.

The Emerging Biotech team was pleased with the end product, and the MilliporeSigma brand custodians adopted many of the branded digital layout ideas that I had incorporated into the microsite.

the Emerging Biotech homepage
the Emerging Biotech Pre-Clinical Testing page
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